IT Guy

IT、AI / Machine Learning、IoT、Project Management、プログラミング、ITIL等々

洋書 - Modular Programming with Python

Modular Programming with Python

Modular Programming with Python

Modular Programming with Python




Table of Contents

1. Introducing Modular Programming

2. Writing Your First Modular Program

3. Using Modules and Packages

4. Using Modules for Real-World Programming

5. Working with Module Patterns

6. Creating Reusable Modules

7. Advanced Module Techniques

8. Testing and Deploying Modules

8. Testing and Deploying Modules

  • Testing modules and packages
  • Preparing a module or package for publication
  • Uploading your work to GitHub
  • Submitting to the Python Package Index
  • Using pip to download and install modules and packages

9. Modular Programming as a Foundation for Good Programming Technique